Are you ready to implement Octopus into your daily work?
Octopus AI does not require registration, to log in, you just need to enter data from your account system, at the moment it is Xero or QuickBooks.
The best month for any business
So why November?
Yes! Black Friday is a real gift for any business.

If you're thinking, "Why sell with discounts when people buy without them at other times of the year?" - you're missing an opportunity to earn!
Black Friday has a powerful brand of its own, people are accustomed to waiting for the coolest offers precisely during these days. Any promotion you run during Black Friday holds greater transactional value for the customer. But, it's not only the customer who should benefit; first and foremost, Black Friday is an opportunity for businesses to earn.

How much money you can earn with Black Friday?
You can make 2-3 months' revenue in just one week during Black Friday.

If you do Black Friday wrong:
❌ Ran a promotion on the wrong product - you lose
❌ Missed the mark with your offer to the customer - you lose
❌ Didn't calculate your Black Friday offer properly - lost margin - you lose
❌ Don’t maintain profitability - you lose
❌ Pull money out of your future - you lose
❌ Cut conversions - you lose

✨ The main secret to success - make an irresistibly beneficial offer for the customer, while maintaining a sufficient margin for the business and monitoring your key financial metrics.
to help your business manage this event in the right way
We created
the Black Friday check-list:
  1. How to select a product and create an offer: Elevate your Black Friday game with strategic product selection.
  2. How to achieve profitable success: Achieve the perfect balance between customer appeal and healthy profit margins, making this Black Friday a win-win for your business.
  3. Examples of both bad and good: Uncover the secrets of successful Black Friday offers. Our checklist provides real-world examples of effective promotions and cautionary tales of pitfalls to avoid.
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Black Friday
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