Octopus AI will help create a realistic budget

Planning profits and expenses for your company?

G2 review of Octopus AI
Octopus AI has 4.5 in average on G2
4.5 out of 5

Trusted by startups all around the globe

Trusted by startups all around the globe

How it works
Easily forecast your startup’s finances
One-click KPI reports for Investors
24/7 native chat & Integrations

Plan your startup's next move with AI-driven instant forecast

You can predict:
  • various business models
  • results of marketing campaigns
  • affect of hiring a team
  • and much more.
  • Dashboards for investors
  • Unit economics report
  • P&L report
  • 100% accuracy

One-click KPI reports for any need

Get fully-personalized advice on how to improve the KPIs based on your data.

Octopus AI - your 24/7 smart and native assistant

Swift responses to:

  • How much did I spend on marketing last month?

  • Who owes me money?

  • And any others...

Convenient integration with QuickBooks and Banking

Plan your startup's next move with AI-driven instant forecast

You can predict:
  • various business models
  • results of marketing campaigns
  • affect of hiring a team
  • and much more.
  • Dashboards for investors
  • Unit economics report
  • P&L report
  • 100% accuracy

One-click KPI reports for any need

Get fully-personalized advice on how to improve the KPIs based on your data.

Octopus AI - your 24/7 smart and native assistant

Swift responses to:

  • How much did I spend on marketing last month?

  • Who owes me money?

  • And any others...

Convenient integration with QuickBooks and Banking

Alexey Baikov
Co-Founder & CTO at Zesty
"Before Octopus AI, we had to manually calculated our budget. The whole team spent days planning a realistic forecast just to find out it become irrelevant after three months. Octopus. ai provided collaborated planning in minutes, we were able to monitor our success in real time and updating forecast became so easy. Octopus saved us weeks of manual work and thousands of dollars."
Yoash Ron
CPA at Aleph Accounting
"I look at the insights in Octopus AI every single day. That’s how I know how the companies are doing, how I can look at financial metrics of each business and update my customers what’s going to happen in the future".
Nadav Sivan
Founder, ZuZu Sandals
"Our objective was to reduce the marketing budget as much as possible while maintaining the same level of sales. As of today, we have successfully cut the budget in half and even achieved higher sales than before".
More reviews

What founders say about Octopus AI

G2 review of Octopus AI
Octopus AI has 4.5 in average on G2
4.5 out of 5

Grow your startup with AI today

/ Up to 10 reports
Up to 10 assumptions per day (includes any metric calculation)
24/7 available chat assistance with proms templates
Data-driven advice on how to improve your product KPIs
Self-serve Financial Reporting
No credit card is required
Try Octopus AI trial plan for free
/ Unlimited amount of reports
All the features of Trial plan
Unlimited assumptions per day
Customizable Approval Process
Integrations with QuickBooks and banking
API and Collaboration tools


Yes, such situations can occur. If a question is posed that the Octopus AI cannot answer, it will alert you, indicating that it's unable to provide a response. Nonetheless, we utilize self-learning GPT algorithms. This means there's a high probability that the AI will learn from these instances and may be able to provide an appropriate response in the future. It's part of our commitment to continuous learning and improvement.
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