Octopus Financial Tips
For CFOs

Navigating the “Awful Balagan”: Turning Around Your Budget to Win Investor Confidence

Having your budget labeled as an "awful balagan" (a term with origins in Hebrew and Yiddish, often used to describe chaos or a mess) by an investor is undoubtedly discouraging. However, this harsh critique can serve as a wake-up call and an opportunity to significantly improve your financial planning. Here’s how to turn around your budget and win back investor confidence.

✔️ Understand the Critique

Before taking corrective measures, understand why your budget received such harsh feedback. Was it too optimistic? Did it lack details, or was it overly complicated? Gaining a deep understanding of the shortcomings will enable you to address the issues more effectively.

✔️ Revise with Realism

It's tempting to include optimistic revenue projections to make the budget more appealing, but realism wins in the long run. Make sure your revenue and expenditure estimates are grounded in reality and supported by market research, past performance, and industry trends. It is better to prepare several scenarios: the best case and the worst case.

✔️ Include Contingencies

One of the reasons budgets fail to impress is the lack of contingency planning. Risks such as market downturns, increased competition, or supply chain disruptions should be factored into your budget, with plans on how to navigate such challenges.

✔️ Provide Detailed Explanations

A budget isn’t just a spreadsheet with numbers; it should tell a story. Make sure to include narratives or footnotes that explain your assumptions, your strategies for revenue growth, and your plans for cost management.

✔️ Focus on ROI

Investors are keen on knowing how their money will grow. Ensure your budget outlines a clear path to profitability, detailing how investments in areas like marketing, R&D, or human resources will result in a positive ROI.

✔️ Use Metrics and KPIs

Incorporate key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business objectives. This shows that you have a way to measure success and adjust course if necessary and overall business health.

✔️ Schedule a Follow-up Meeting

Once you’ve revised your budget, request a follow-up meeting with the investor to present the updated version. Use this opportunity to address their concerns specifically and demonstrate that you’ve taken their feedback seriously.

✔️ Maintain Open Communication

Investor relationships are built on trust and open communication. Keep them updated on how the business is performing relative to the budget and be upfront about any challenges and adjustments you make.

✔️ Learn and Iterate

Remember, budgeting is an ongoing process. Use the lessons learned from this experience to continually refine your budgeting skills and adapt your financial plans as needed.